maintain a balance

美 [meɪnˈteɪn ə ˈbæləns]英 [meɪnˈteɪn ə ˈbæləns]
  • 维持余额
maintain a balancemaintain a balance
  1. You have to maintain a balance of $ 10,000 in the account .


  2. AC : Maintain a balance is quite difficult .


  3. Budget at various levels shall maintain a balance between revenues and expenditures .


  4. But , she adds , parents who maintain a balance between home and business are interesting .


  5. is that we maintain a balance between civility and privacy .


  6. It 's always hard for me to maintain a balance between calorie intake and expenditure .


  7. Article 75 A joint venture shall in general maintain a balance between its foreign exchange receipts and expenditures .


  8. It is important , she adds , to maintain a balance between online / automatic and human involvement in the process .


  9. But the government warned it would maintain a balance between " fast and stable " economic growth and dealing with predicted inflation next year .


  10. Mobile mouse to maintain a balance , when Daya pig emerged , with the space bar control magic cat jumping escape .


  11. It would imply continuing investments in US military power and engagement in the world to maintain a balance of power favourable to American interests .


  12. Therefore , each runnable task chases the other to maintain a balance of execution across the set of runnable tasks .


  13. This is particularly important for a place like Hong Kong where most people are busy working for money and fame , culture will help us maintain a balance of lives .


  14. You should also try to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure & that is , don 't eat more food than your body can utilize .


  15. We can best meet our own needs if we maintain a balance with nature & a balance that is as important to our health and prosperity as it is to the bees .


  16. We can best meet our own needs if we maintain a balance with nature - a balance that is as important to our health and prosperity as it is to the bees .


  17. In a conclusion , I strongly believe that tradition and modernization not only are able to co-exist at the same time , but also allow people to maintain a balance between them .


  18. We 've got to maintain a balance , and I 'm a big tech fan , believe me I am , but we have to maintain a balance with our people skills .


  19. Ranchu There are two swim bladder due to internal or external factors have made one or two contract there can not maintain a balance lead to the disease this view was generally accepted .


  20. Because this treaty limits the deployment of missile defense system of two sides and intends to maintain a balance of nuclear terror . Therefore , nuclear deterrence can be effectively utilized and head-on collision of two nuclear powers can be avoided .


  21. In the Western capitalist countries , countries under the political theory of separation of powers , state power will be divided into legislative , judicial and executive three departments were selected by three independent exercise of state organs , mutual restraint , to maintain a balance .


  22. We always strove to maintain a balance between ensuring steady and rapid economic development , adjusting the economic structure , and managing inflation expectations . We made government macro policies more forward-looking , scientific and effective and implemented them with proper orientation , force and focus .


  23. To promote the further development in this area , it is important to inherit the existing academic achievements , continue with the serious style of study , extend the perspectives , pay more attention to theoretic efforts , and maintain a balance between academic orientation and political orientation .


  24. In drafting " Rome Statute ", attempts were made to maintain a balance between common interests of international communities and national sovereignty to realize independent , fair and effective operation of the International Criminal Court while gaining great support from international societies , particularly sovereign nations .


  25. Maintain a Proper Balance between the Relations in the Reform of Tax System


  26. This newspaper maintain a good balance in its presentation of different opinion .


  27. You have to maintain a minimum balance of twenty dollars .


  28. The key to carry out'Three Representations'is to maintain a proper balance of reform , development and stability .


  29. This would help maintain a natural balance on the earth and have a continuous natural life cycle .


  30. And * most important * we want to maintain a healthy balance between account and creative groups .
